Guiding you to health and wellness.


Sierra Weight, FNP, MSN, RN

Family Nurse Practitioner & Owner of Tru Wellness

Tru Wellness is an integrative healthcare clinic that uses holistic and natural treatments to heal discomfort by honoring what the body truly needs. We take a whole body approach to care to find the root cause of dis-ease and work to rebalance the body.

Sierra Weight, Family Nurse Practitioner, graduated in 2017 from the University of North Dakota with her Masters in Nursing. She started her NP career in a traditional medical model. After working in the conventional medical system, Sierra felt there had to be a way to provide better care, than relying on a pill to treat the ill. The idea to provide a whole body approach to wellness was ignited. Tru Wellness was opened in August 2020.

She attended the Institute of Functional Medicine to expand her knowledge for a more holistic approach. Sierra is currently enrolled in the School of Applied Functional Medicine working towards her Applied Functional Medicine Certifcation.

Our desire is to promote optimal health through holistic and natural healing. Welcome to Tru Wellness


Our Locations

LaMoure Clinic

107 2nd Ave NE, LaMoure ND 58458

(701) 883.5881

Open 9am-5pm

Monday - Thursday.

Clinic is closed Friday



We’re here to answer all your health and wellness questions. Send us a message below and let us know how we can help you get started on your journey to wellness!


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